
Showing posts from April, 2017

10 Surprising ‘People’ Foods your Dog Can Eat

10 Surprising ‘People’ Foods your Dog Can Eat credit to • Carob Carob is a chocolate substitute, it contains vitamins and minerals and, most importantly, does not contain caffeine or theobromine. It also contains fiber and pectin which are good for your dog’s health • Peanut butter Whether dogs can eat peanut butter or not is a question that remains on many dog owner’s minds. The truth is, dogs can eat peanut butter without worry. The quantity should be monitored and controlled because it can lead to an overweight dog if given to excess. • Pears Dogs can eat pears safely, but keep in mind the seeds of pears can be toxic to canines, if you want to share with your dog cut it up and feed the pieces to your dog and toss the core. • Popcorn Popcorn is little tricky. It’s ok to give your dog a bowl of popcorn as long as its plain. Once you load it with butter and salt it’s a lot less healthy for canines. • Fruit salad There are many